Saturday, 9 October 2010


I was out last night for drinks... ended up getting a bit more tipsy than anticipated and didn't get home til about 3am. It was a really fun night out though! I certainly paid for it this morning though. Hangovers definitely get worse the older you get!

I spent today tidying and going through my wardrobe and my bedroom. Lots of clothes that don't fit me are now destined for the local charity shop. I threw out loads of crap that I've accumulated over the years, and sorted out paperwork that's been sitting around the last couple of months. It's not completely finished yet but I feel better for having done it.

Decluttering is always therapeutic I find. Out with the old and in with the new. What's the point of holding on to things that you no longer use or need? I am, generally, a bit of a hoarder. I always think, oh this will be useful one day or I might need that in the future. But I'm trying to learn to let go, of physical things and emotional things. Hopefully, clearing out the physical space will have a positive effect on my mind and perhaps I'll be able to feel less for Mr Special.

I failed on not being in contact with him today though. One step at a time! I cannot for the life of me go cold turkey and just not talk to him - I really couldn't do that. I'm going to try to lessen the contact with each day. Limit myself to a certain number of messages or emails. Already I'm wondering how on earth I'm going to achieve this, but I know it's the right thing to do for me.

Not sure what I'm doing tomorrow... I feel like I should finish tidying my room but I also fancy getting out and about. I need to keep myself busy and occupied so I don't talk to Mr Special. But then I always find myself wanting to talk to him and sharing what I've done and what's going on in my life... Why is it so complicated?


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