Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Happy National Macaroni Day!

I didn't even know such a day existed, but yes, today is National Macaroni Day. And yes, you've probably guessed that this is an American thing... who else would have a whole day dedicated to one type of pasta?

I actually came across a whole calendar of food related holidays in America during my research about National Macaroni Day. I thought it was something quite kooky and cool, but it would seem that pretty much every other day is a national day of something. Which makes it less special or interesting really...

However, having found out what today is, I immediately had cravings for macaroni cheese! And so, I gave in to the calorie-laden cheese fest and had macaroni cheese for dinner tonight. It was scrumptious. Delicious tubes of pasta fulfilled my need for carbs, and the cheese, oh the cheese... was divine. I make my macaroni cheese with some slices of tomato between the actual pasta and the top layer of cheese too. I thought it was a weird thing to do when I first saw the recipe, but try it, it's really tasty and gives it a bit of an edge.

I don't understand people who don't eat carbs. They're a staple part of our diet and if we weren't meant to eat them we wouldn't have them. Of course, you can limit the amount you eat, just like with anything, but I do believe it's unhealthy to totally cut out a food group out of your diet. I once tried the Atkins Diet in a bid to lose weight, and I couldn't even manage a day! I love stuff like rice, pasta, bread, potatoes... well, to be fair, I love all foods.

I was also reminded today that it is 5 years since the 7/7 terrorist attacks in London when bombs exploded on 3 Underground trains and 1 on a bus. Luckily I wasn't even in London on that day... but I still had lots of people ringing and texting me to ask if I was okay. I remember being scared to travel on the Underground after that, but now I think nothing of it.

It's good to be reminded every now and then that life is precious and it can be taken away from you through no fault of your own. Make each day count. Don't let life slip by...

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