Friday, 7 May 2010

Second Date

Tonight I had a second date with a guy I met back in March. On our first date we had dinner and a couple of drinks, which was a really nice evening... we chatted and got to know each other a bit. Tonight we went to the cinema. And it was weird.

First of all, he kept talking during the film. When I go to the cinema to watch a film, I'm there to watch the film - not have somebody talk the whole way through. I was not impressed. If he wanted to talk then why did he ask me to see a film? We could have done loads of other things tonight which would have been more conducive to having a conversation. But not in the cinema!!!!!

Secondly, I bought two lots of popcorn as he wanted salted and I always have sweet. All sorted! But no... during the trailers he asked if he could have some of my popcorn, and I couldn't very well say no, despite thinking in my head 'you said you didn't like sweet so that's why I got you the salted popcorn'. If he'd said he liked both then it wouldn't really have played on my mind, but he kept going back for more of my popcorn even though he didn't like it! It was really strange that I then started to think, 'I hope he has clean hands seeing as he's touching my popcorn'!!!

After the film, we went to a bar and had a drink. One drink. Conversation was a bit stilted and I felt rather uncomfortable. He asked a few questions about whether I knew this particular movie or artist, and it made me feel stupid when I said no. It did highlight to me that we didn't have very much in common. He is a nice enough guy but sadly I didn't feel a spark or any chemistry. I think after a couple of dates you know if you want to pursue a relationship with somebody.

Part of me sometimes wonders whether I'm closed off to the possibility of a relationship with someone because of my entanglement with Mr Special - the one who is moving away soon. But I genuinely did not fancy my date tonight. For a long time it has only been Mr Special - I don't do multiple dating. But seeing as there is no potential for it to go any further with him, I wanted to try to get over him. I know now that dating someone new isn't the way to do that.

I wish I had some magic formula to get over Mr Special... actually if I'm wishing for stuff then I should really wish that he wasn't leaving and that he felt the same way as I do about him!! :-)

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