Friday, 27 August 2010

Form A Queue Boys!

I read an article about the attractiveness of women being determined by their waist-to-hip ratio being the magical number of 0.7 - according to research. I'm sure I've read about this before, and about how most of the beautiful women have this waist-to-hip ratio.

So, this morning, when I was getting ready for work, standing in front of a full length mirror, I thought I'd measure my waist and hips and figure out what my ratio is. My waist is 28 inches... and my hips are 38 inches... 28 divided by 38 equals... 0.73!!! Not far off hey?!

It boosted my self confidence a little. Lately, I've been worrying about how I look as in just over a week I'll be strutting my stuff in a bikini on a beach and I don't want people staring at my wobbly bits. But equally, it kind of depressed me a little, as although this ratio deems me as attractive, it's not like I have loads of men coming after me. Not that I want loads...

Anyway, it was a bit of harmless fun. And if there is any merit in it, I guess it doesn't hurt to come in at 0.73 :-)

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